Joey's Level 2 kids English Course

Super fun, interactive course, following curricula by 

PalFish Level 2 and Pearson’s Big Fun 1!

Complete with homework, flash cards and songs you can share!

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Unit 1: My Classroom

Unit 2: My Body

Unit 3: My Family

Unit 4: My Toys


Unit 5: My Lunch

Unit 6: My Clothes

Unit 7: My Pets

Unit 8: My World


Unit 1: My Classroom

Lessons and structures:

  1. What is this/ it? It is a chair/ table/puppet.
  2. What is this/ it? It is (a) shelf, crayon, paper.
  3. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3.
  4. Maths: Red and circle. It is a circle/ It is red …
  5. Story: School days
  6. Value: We work together
  7. Science: Things we have in the garden.
  8. Phonics:  Aa/Bb
  9. Phonics:  Cc/Dd
  10. End of unit review.


Chair, table, puppet, shelf, crayon, paper, red, circle, work, together, grass, flower, ladybug, happy, sad, apple, ant, alligator, bear, bird, bubbles.


‘It is a…’ VS ‘it is…’ It is paper, it is red.

Uncountable nouns: paper.

Sight words and writing. 

It /is/ a/ see/ we

Unit 2: My Body

Lessons and structures:  

  1. What is this/ what are they? It is a nose/mouth. They are eyes.
  2. What are these? They are ears/ hands/ feet.
  3. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3.
  4. Maths: Yellow and square. It is/ they are yellow. They are yellow squares …
  1. Story: It is a face.
  2. Value: Greeting. Hello, how are you? How old are you?
  3. Science: Butterflies/ ladybugs have wings. They fly.
  4. Phonics: Ee/Ff
  5. Phonics: Gg and review A-G
  6. End of unit review.


Eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, feet, yellow, square, orange, face, hello. bugs bumble bee, butterfly, wings, fly, eggs, elephant, eight, frog, foxes, four.


‘It is a…’ / ‘they are …’ Singular and plural nouns.

Sight words

They/ are/ have/ hello/


Unit 3: My Family

Lessons and structures:  

  1. Who is this? This is my mother/ father/, (the) baby.
  2. Who is this/who are they? This is my sister/brother. They are my grandparents.
  3. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3.
  4. Maths: It is/ they are blue. It is a/ they are blue triangle (s).
  5. Story: My Family.
  6. Value: We respect others’ things.
  7. Science: Ants live in anthills.  I live in a house.
  8. Phonics: Hh / Ii
  9. Phonics: Jj review A-J
  10. End of unit review.


Mother, father, baby, sister, brother, grandparents, blue, triangle, purple, monkey, things, respect, ants, anthills, hippo, hat, horse, iguana, ice- cream, igloo, jacket, jump, jellyfish…


‘It is a…’ / ‘they are …’ Singular and plural nouns.

Sight words

They /my/ the/ live/ blue


Unit 4: My Toys

Lessons and structures:

  1. What do you want? I want a truck/ doll/ car, please.
  2. What do you want? I want a ball/ teddy bear/ plane, please.
  3. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3.
  4. Maths: It is/ they are green. It is a/ they are green rectangle (s). Numbers: 1, I see 1 
  5. Story: Doll House.
  6. Value: We Share
  7. Science: Wind moves kites/ trees
  8. Phonics: Kk/ Ll
  9. Phonics: Mm and review A-M
  10. End of unit review.


Car, truck, doll, ball, teddy bear, plane, green, rectangle, number 1, dolphin, big, rabbit, banana, share, kite, wind, tree, moves, grass,



Using ‘please’ (adverb) at the end for polite requests.


Sight words

Want/ please/ wind/ green/ they /my/ the/ live/


Unit 5: My Lunch

Lessons and structures:

  1. What do you have? I have a/ an apple, sandwich, lemonade.
  2. What do you have? I have (a) carrot/ cookie/ milk.
  3. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3. Extension.
  4. Maths: Orange and purple. Review shapes and colours units 1-4
  5. Story: A Surprise. Number: 2,
  6. Value: Try new things.
  7. Science: Food grows on tress and in the ground.
  8. Phonics: Nn/ Oo
  9. Phonics: Pp and review A-P
  10. End of unit review.


Apple, sandwich, lemonade, carrot, cookie, milk, surprise, lemon, cow, tree, dumplings, sushi, lunch, lunch box, try, grow, ground.


Uncountable nouns. Lemonade, milk

Sight words

Have/ please/ wind/ green/


Unit 6: My Clothes (BrE and AmE) 

Lessons and structures:

  1. What do you want?

I want skirt/ jumper/ trousers (BrE), sweater/ pants (AmE)

  1. What do you want? I want (a) T-shirt, shoes, socks.
  2. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3. Extension.
  3. Maths: Brown and pink. Number: 3
  4. Story: Let’s Play.
  5. Value: We help each other.
  6. Science: Rain makes animals wet.
  7. Phonics: Qq/ Rr
  8. Phonics: Ss and review A-S
  9. End of unit review.


BrE: Trousers, jumper/ AmE: Pants/ Sweater

Skirt, shoes, socks, T-shirt, brown, pink, one, two, three, picture, play, help, rain, wet, animals.


Uncountable nouns: Trousers/pants,

Sight words

Want/ please/ Thank – you/ one/ two/ three

Unit 7: My Pets

Lessons and structures:

  1. What do you like? I like cats/dogs/ birds/
  2. What do you like? I like fish/ kittens/ puppies
  3. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3.
  4. Maths: Black and white. Number 4.
  5. Story Where is Lucy?
  6. Value: We take care of pets.
  7. Science: Worms wiggle without arms and legs.
  8. Phonics:  Tt/ Uu
  9. Phonics:  Vv and review A-S
  10. End of unit review.


Cats, dogs, birds, fish, birds, kittens, puppies, black, white, like, don’t, black, white, pets, where, worms, wiggle, arms, legs.



‘I like ….’/ ‘I don’t like …’ . Uncountable nouns: fish

Sight words and writing. 

Like/ where/ we/ pets


Unit 8: My World

Lessons and structures:

  1. How many police officers/ firefighters/ bus drivers can you see?

 I can see … …

  1. How many doctors/ dentists/ nurses can you see?

 I can see … ….

  1. Sight words and review of vocabulary from class 1 and 2. -3.
  2. Math: Brown, white, purple, green, and yellow. Number 5.
  3. Story: Hospital
  4. Value: We recycle.
  5. Science: Plants and flowers grow.
  6. Phonics:  Ww/ Xx/ Yy
  7. Phonics:  Zz and review A-Z
  8. End of unit review.


Police officers, firefighters, bus drivers, doctors, dentists, nurses, five, hospital, recycle, paper, cans, glass, plastic, see, plants, sun, grow.


Plurals: 1 doctor/ 2 doctors

Sight words and writing.

Many/ can/ see/ we